Ames Artillery sword- John Brown’s Raid



” From Francis Bannerman ‘
Dealer in
Military Goods,
579 Broadway, New York ” 


  • Ames Artillery sword- John Brown's Raid
  • Ames Artillery sword- John Brown's Raid
  • Ames Artillery sword- John Brown's Raid
  • Ames Artillery sword- John Brown's Raid
  • Ames Artillery sword- John Brown's Raid
  • Ames Artillery sword- John Brown's Raid
  • Ames Artillery sword- John Brown's Raid
  • Ames Artillery sword- John Brown's Raid

 A truly historic sword taken from Harper’s Ferry Arsenal by John Brown in his famous raid. Then it was given a Texas regiment and captured and stored at the U.S Arsenal in Mt. Vernon Alabama.  The identification tag and history is from Francis Bannerman who became very wealthy buying and selling Civil War surplus arms.  The tag reads as follows” 323-D A historic relic of John Brown’s Raid on Harpers ferry Arsenal. One of a lot of pikes and swords captured and stored at Harper’s Ferry Arsenal .When John Brown and his men surrendered, later taken by the Confederates early in the   cont. the War and eventually given to a Texas Regiment,from whom they were later captured and stored at the U.S Arsenal Mt. Vernon, Ala. afterwards destroyed by fire the old metal in the Arsenal ruins sent to the rolling mill at Rock Island Arsenal ,from whom we acquired them. A historical relic sword that helped precipitate the great Civil War. ”  This historic sword exhibits exposure to fire but it’s stampings are still very good. 

I originally sold this great piece about a half dozen years  ago and was able to just acquire it a second time!

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