Indian Floppy Club-Skull Crusher




  • Indian Floppy Club-Skull Crusher
  • Indian Floppy Club-Skull Crusher
  • Indian Floppy Club-Skull Crusher
  • Indian Floppy Club-Skull Crusher
  • Indian Floppy Club-Skull Crusher
  • Indian Floppy Club-Skull Crusher
  • Indian Floppy Club-Skull Crusher
  • Indian Floppy Club-Skull Crusher
  • Indian Floppy Club-Skull Crusher
  • Indian Floppy Club-Skull Crusher
  • Indian Floppy Club-Skull Crusher
  • Indian Floppy Club-Skull Crusher

​These simple weapons are sometimes referred to as slingshots. They incorporated the principle of a floppy head which increased the force of the blow and was used exclusively by Apache Warriors ​.  It's basically a hide wrapped polished stone on a stick.  These are warrior weapons as opposed to the diminutive size fixed head types referred to as Squaw clubs. This neat piece is hide wrapped and sinew sown. I believe the hair drop is horse hair. Most of the wear is centered in the flex area but is still very well attached to the handle.  These floppy head skull crushers are exceedingly rare. This is only the second one I've owned in 30+ years. 

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